1. Vacancies
  2. PhD scholarship in “Quantitative Analysis of Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”

PhD scholarship in “Quantitative Analysis of Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate for a PhD scholarship in “Quantitative Analysis of Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”. The scholarship is part of the seizmic Doctoral Network, based on a grant from the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network call 2023.
Are you passionate about social entrepreneurship and impact investing? Do you have experience with quantitative research methods? Consider applying for this PhD position!

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Key takeaways

  • Hours
    38 - 40 hr.
  • Salary indication
    Salary gross/monthly
    based on full-time
    € 2,872 - € 3,670
  • Deadline
    1 Oct 2024

The PhD project is part of a network of 15 doctoral theses that all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship (SE) scaling. This particular PhD thesis is part of the work package on “Impact Investing for Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”. The position is focused on quantitatively assessing the impact of hybrid financing strategies, Schumpeterian 'creative destruction' logics, and impact fidelity on the scaling of social enterprises. This research will involve a systematic literature review of empirical papers on SE scaling and impact investing, followed by developing measures to quantitatively test these factors through a cross-sectional survey of impact investors. More specifically, the PhD candidate will explore the connection between business model aspects and impact investment decisions by looking into investors’ perceived success factors for social entrepreneurship. You will use structural equation modeling (SEM) and other quantitative research methods to probe the connections between these factors, offering new insights into how they shape the trajectory of SE scaling. The research predominantly attempts to contribute to the Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship literature.

As required by the MSCA doctoral network funding guidelines, the PhD candidate will have both an academic secondment at one of the seizmic doctoral network members and a non-academic secondment providing a blend of academic and practical perspectives.

The PhD candidate will be guided by a multidisciplinary supervisory team with rich experience in strategic and sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation management. Dr. Svenja Damberg will be the daily supervisor, while Dr. Michel Ehrenhard will fulfill the role of promotor.

The successful applicant will join the Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (ETM) section of the High-tech Business & Entrepreneurship (HBE) department at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences.

Your profile

We are looking for a positive, highly dedicated researcher who is driven by curiosity and has/is:

  • A Master's degree in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Marketing, Industrial Engineering & Management, Sociology, or related fields;
  • Close rapport with quantitative research and a proven set of skills;
  • Highly motivated to conduct high-quality, ‘engaged’ and impact-driven academic research resulting in scientific publications, which is reflected in study results, personal skills, and experience;
  • Able to carry out independent research and collaborate with a wide set of actors from academia and practice;
  • Outstanding team spirit and seeks to work in an interdisciplinary team;
  • Excellent oral and written language skills in English and preferably Dutch.

Our offer

We encourage high responsibility and independence while collaborating with colleagues, researchers, other university staff, and partners. We follow the terms of employment by the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Universities (CAO). Our offer contains: a full-time 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year; excellent mentorship in a stimulating research environment with excellent facilities; and a personal development program within the Twente Graduate School. It also includes:

  • Gross monthly salary of € 2.872 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.670 in the fourth year;
  • Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme;
  • 29 holidays per year in case of full-time employment;
  • A training programme as part of the Twente Graduate School where you and your supervisors will determine a plan for a suitable education and supervision;
  • A green campus with free access to sports facilities and an international scientific community;
  • A family-friendly institution that offers parental leave (both paid and unpaid);
  • Full status as an employee at the UT, including pension, health care benefits, and good secondary conditions are part of our collective labour agreement CAO-NU for Dutch universities.

Information and application

We are eager to hear from you and welcome your application! Please submit your application before 1 October 2024 and include:

For any inquiries about this position, you can contact dr. Svenja Damberg (s.damberg@utwente.nl) or Michel Ehrenhard (m.l.ehrenhard@utwente.nl).

Additional MSCA Application Requirements

According to the mobility requirements of the MSCA guidelines candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organization (i.e., The Netherlands in this case) for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date.

We aim to treat your application as soon as possible and respond swiftly. The first round of interviews will be held in the end of October. Upon positive evaluation, you are invited for a second interview, which will take place in November. We aim for the applicant to start by February 2025.

More information about the network can be found on the website: www.seizmic.eu/msca.

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About the department

The HBE department is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive working culture. Our aim is that all job applicants are given equal opportunities. When we select candidates for employment, it will be on the basis of their competence and ability. To support workforce diversity, we are open to offering flexible working conditions on an individual basis to support work-life balance, which may include contract of employment, working hours and location, or childcare arrangements.

The High Business Entrepreneurship corporate video can be watched via this link.

About the organisation

The Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social sciences (BMS) aims to play a key role in understanding, jointly developing and evaluating innovations in society. Technological developments are the engine of innovation. As a technical university that puts people first, we tailor them to human needs and behavior and use social engineering to integrate them into society. We also ensure adequate governance at public and private level, and robust, inclusive and fair organizational structures. We do this by developing, sharing and applying high-quality knowledge in Psychology, Business Administration, Public Administration, Communication Sciences, Philosophy, Educational Sciences and Health Sciences. Our research and education in these disciplines revolves around tackling and solving societal challenges. The research programs of BMS are closely linked to the research of the UT institutes Mesa+ Institute for Nanotechnology, TechMed Center and Digital Society Institute.

As an employer, the Faculty of BMS offers work that matters. We equip you to create new possibilities for yourself and for our society. With us, you will become part of a leading technical university with increasing, positive social impact. We offer an open, inclusive and entrepreneurial atmosphere, in which we encourage you to make healthy choices, for example through our flexible, adaptable benefits.

Want to know more?

Damberg, S. (Svenja)

Damberg, S. (Svenja)
Assistant Professor

Damberg, S. (Svenja)
Assistant Professor

Do you have questions about this vacancy? Then you can contact Svenja for all substantive questions about this position and the application procedure. For general questions about working for the UT, please refer to the chatbot.

How to apply

Step 1

When you see a vacancy that appeals to you, you can apply online. We ask you to upload a CV and motivation letter and/or list of publications. You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.

Apply now

Step 2

The selection committee will review your application and you will receive a response within 2 weeks after the vacancy has been closed.

Step 3

1st interview.
The 1st (online or in person) meeting serves as an introduction where we introduce ourselves to you and you to us. You may be asked to give a short presentation. This will be further explained in the invitation.

Step 4

2nd interview.
In the second interview, we will further discuss the job content, your skills and your talents.

Step 5

The offer.
If the conversations are positive, you will be made a suitable offer. If applicable, we will sign you up for screening.

Your Colleagues

About the BMS faculty

Curious about what The Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social sciences (BMS) stands for? Check out the BMS website for more information.

A job that matters

Create new opportunities for yourself, your colleagues and our society. Scientist or teacher, administrator or facilitator, thinker or doer, energetic leader or silent support – your work at the University of Twente matters. And you too!

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  • Our mission
    We are a university of technology

    Our university is a public institution that serves society. We are accountable to society for the ways in which we use our academic freedom. We are responsible for ensuring that the power of science and technology is harnessed to achieve the best possible impact in a changing world. We cherish our rich tradition of combining technical and social sciences in our five profiling themes: Improving healthcare by personalized technologies; Creating intelligent manufacturing systems; Shaping our world with smart materials; Engineering our digital society; and Engineering for a resilient world.

  • Our mission
    We help to strengthen society

    We help society meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. But we are also transparent about what science and technology can and cannot do in finding sustainable solutions. And help translate these solutions into everyday life.

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    We want our communities to flourish and show resilience, so we seize opportunities for innovation. We are knowledgeable and have an eye for what society needs. Our students and staff receive all the guidance they need in their quest for ecological, social and economic sustainability.
    “The University of Twente is all about people. Our sustainable technologies help to strengthen society.”

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