Tom Veldkamp

"For us, diversity is a matter of getting things done. Within our faculty, we are well aware of the importance of having well-balanced teams."


"Our activities focus around real-world problems, through which local citizens can be considered our key stakeholders. Therefore, the composition of the population needs to be reflected in our faculty: diversity in every way, which also includes gender diversity. The international context in which we are active requires our teams be diverse. To communicate adequately with local stakeholders, for example."

"The international context in which we are active requires our teams be diverse. To communicate adequately with local stakeholders, for example."          Tom Veldkamp, dean of the ITC Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation


"With the recruitment of new staff, we have great attention for the added value of potential candidates to the team. Women may bring in additional competences in binding leadership or communication skills, which are essential in building great teams with the right group dynamics. This is the way we are looking to the composition of all departments and teams. We always strive for the right and effective balance in relation to our scientific and societal domain and the communities that we are serving."