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- Working as a UT student

Being a working UT-Student is seriously great
Something that many students contemplate, or even struggle with, is deciding whether or not they should work alongside their studies. Should I focus on my classes or should I become a working student? Well, the good news is, you don’t have to choose. You can do both!
Working as a student
all student jobs & providers in an overview
Are you looking for a paid substantive student job in Enschede in which you can develop yourself? Then there are plenty of opportunities to start working at the University of Twente. For example, you can check whether your program needs a student assistant for the execution of a course or course evaluation. In addition, they are also regularly looking for students who wish to inform and enthuse new students about their studies during the Open Days and the Student for a Day days.
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Student Union
Work for the Student UnionThe Student Union (SU) is an organisation that advocates for the interests of all UT students. The goal of the SU is to support students in getting the most out of their student time and to inspire them to achieve “More Than A Degree”. There are several teams within the SU that contribute to this goal. These teams consist out of a total of 65 enthusiastic and motivated students from varying studies, backgrounds and expertise.
Go to SU vacancies
As a student employee at the Student Union, you collaboratively work towards a goal with your team. Besides this, there is space for you to work on your own projects. There is also regular contact between boards, committees and other services within the SU; including contact with the respectively relevant board members. Everyone is up to date with the recent activities in their own field, but also outside of this. It does not matter if you are part of a committee or board, everyone comes together to stand up for the students and to motivate them to get More Than A Degree. This way, you will find yourself at the core of student life.UT Student Jobs
Work as a student assistant?Professors and other faculty members often require student assistants to assist them with various tasks like assisting them during lectures, practical courses, grading, etc. The content of a jobasstudent assistant is always related to education and/or research. Opening a job as student assistant is therefore only for the faculties. After all, that is where education and research take place. However, first year students cannot be employed as a student assistant! As a student you will receive an UT studentjob employment in case of a job as student assistant.
See all student assistant vacanciesUT Student Jobs
Work as an on-call worker?UT students may also be required to assist in other short-duration and temporary tasks for which you may be called upon on demand. The content of a job as an on-call worker has ageneral character and is notrelated to education and/or research. Opening a job as on-call worker is bothfor faculties and services. All UT-students can be employed as an on-call worker. As a student, you will receive on-call employment through Driessen when hired as an on-call employee. For more information, visit the UT Student Jobs Service portal page.
UT Student Jobs Service portal pagePre-university
The most fun student side job with meaning!Pre-University is an active student organization, and together with some 150 student employees, VO experts and the staff team, you work on our various programmes. We offer a comprehensive education line for primary and secondary school students and activities for teacher development and professionalization. These include cool activities through which we want to inspire students and introduce them to science.
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As a Pre-U’er, you can work in many different positions. Some may get energy from personal contact with pupils or want to develop their teaching skills, while others are organizational talents. In short, plenty of opportunities!
At Pre-University we also think it is important that you can develop yourself. This is how it works: you take the knowledge with you from your studies, and we support you with a diverse internal development programme! And, of course, there is also time for drinks on fridays and other fun team activities.